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INFORMATION SESSIONS, morning coffee mixers & EVENTS

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Click here to register and get the online link for the free online session.

Register online early to save your spot!

Email Katie at if you have any questions!

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Please join us for the Annual General Meeting and meet our new Board of Directors, and much more! To purchase tickets online here!

​Past Events

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​We are excited to partner and host various Information Sessions on a variety of topics.
These events are as easy as they sound.
Different topics are discussed at each of the 1 hour sessions. Come and join us for coffee and snacks and learn some helpful information!
Contact the Chamber office to register for an upcoming session or if you are interested in hosting a session. If you have an idea for a session, we would love to hear from you, if you think it would be helpful to yourself or your business, chances are other people would too!

Call 902-836-3209 or Email the Chamber Office.

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What are Business Socials?


The Kensington and Area Chamber of Commerce’s Business Socials provide an fantastic opportunity to kick-back and relax while growing your network and recommending your products and services.

Word-of-mouth in a small community is important, and success often depends on “who you know or tell.”
Our socials welcome members and non-members to attend.

Don't forget to bring your business cards to share and maybe to WIN something!

tips on hosting a

Here are a few tips that will help you host an effective, successful Business Social:

* If you have a large enough office, throw a Business Social there to get exposure for your business
* The venue must be large enough to accommodate up to 20-40 people
* Have space to set up exhibitor’s tables with access to electrical outlet
* Offer food and beverage stations * Plan the Social no less than eight weeks in advance
* Invite as many guests as you can think of
* Get businesses/people to donate door prizes
* Designate several of your staff to greet the guests as they arrive
* Name tags should be available
* At the end of the Social, spend no more than about ten minutes doing introductions and giving door prizes
* The host provides complimentary refreshments for a minimum of 20-40 people
* Optional: The host arranges to have a cash bar at the venue. The host is required to obtain a temporary license if the facility is not licensed

Interested in hosting? Contact Julie at the office and book a date!

exhibiting at a social


  * Each exhibitor will be provided with a table to display
    your product or marketing collateral.
 * It is FREE to exhibit if you are a member
    and is $15.00 if you are a non-member.
 * We recommend you provide a door prize and a ballot box
    on your table to collect business cards
 * Follow up with them after the event is over
 * Remember space is usually limited.
 * For exhibiting opportunities please contact Julie.

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